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Friday, October 29, 2010

Pre-Halloween Excitement

Today was actually fairly exciting. The kids were really colorful since they were celebrating Halloween (the school does not allow actual costumes for some reason. I find that strange). One of my problem kids (the one who didn't care about getting a 1 out of 4 on his essay the other day and didn't have a book to read so I had to babysit him in another room while he read one of the teacher's books) was in in-school suspension so I didn't have to deal with him. He's in two of the classes I help with, and I hate to say this, but things were so much more manageable without him there.

Fridays are always kind of crazy but today was actually not bad. Many of the kids were much more subdued than usual (probably due to it being the end of the quarter and thus many tests & projects were done). However, my sixth period is seventh grade English, and the teacher there has absolutely no discipline plan in place whatsoever and it shows, though I don't know how bad her other classes are. Apparently this class is further behind since they waste so much time talking. I was never a fan of her discipline plan (or lack thereof) but today was just ridiculous, because she made a big deal about it being rude for them to ask for glowsticks just because her other classes got them, then at the end handed one out to everyone. She said she was disappointed with their behavior and they didn't deserve them but because it was Halloween she was giving them out. That is such a horrible idea in so many ways. If I were a kid in that classroom I would think, "Sweet! I can behave badly and get something!" It will be interesting to see how her kids' behavior affects their SOL scores at the end of the year (and thus, her job).

Also, I was between classes this morning and a girl who was walking next to me asked if I go to this school. I responded, a little taken aback, that I am a teacher here. She said she has never seen me. I asked what grade she was in, and after saying sixth, I responded that that made sense since I mostly deal with seventh & eighth graders. Siiiiigh. I knew it was going to happen eventually, me being mistaken for a student. Which I guess is a good thing, since so far that aspect hasn't diminished my authority.

Anyway, this week was mostly pretty good. This afternoon as I was driving home the local elementary school paraded their kids down the road in their Halloween costumes. So cute.

Also, when I got home I found my Master's Degree waiting for me, so now it's official. Woohoo!

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