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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Scheduling is Hard, Dude

In addition to filling in for people during the day, I have the added responsibility of running homework club twice a week and then taking those students to intramurals. Yesterday was quite the clusterf*** when it came to these tasks.

About twenty kids showed up for homework club, which was ridiculous enough in itself, and half of them weren't doing homework and/or distracting others from doing their homework. I had to deal with it completely by myself. Hooray real world experience! So that was a little crazy, but not too bad.

But then (and the taking the kids to intramurals is a very recent thing. So recent I started doing it yesterday), another teacher who was also supposed to help with intramurals on Monday helped me lead them to the field, where there were already students along with another teacher. Apparently this teacher does soccer every Monday and has been doing so for years. Whaaaaa? Why did the activities director assign three teachers to one activity that one teacher has been able to handle for years? Wasn't a huge deal, as I was still getting paid for my time (as, I presume, so were the other two), but that is a misuse of resources, I feel. Mr. M., who was evidently in charge of intramural soccer, said having all three of us there was overkill. Way to make me feel useful...

Today was a little better. There were half as many students in homework club and all of them were doing work. There was also (ironically) another teacher in the room. That was probably why they were all doing work (I think that the students don't really think of me as a real authority figure yet). There were two activities for intramurals. The other teacher lead flag football while I led soccer (of which I actually know something about) so I actually felt useful this afternoon. Hooray!

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