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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I taught today!

The female eighth grade English teacher had to go to a meeting during the first part of her class today, so she very briefly explained her plan for the day and had me teach the first part of the class. It was pretty invigorating, and the kids were actually extremely amenable, and even with the no preparation whatsoever it wasn't that intimidating (only a little). They started with a warm up and then I went over it (correcting grammatical errors), which went very smoothly. Then we moved into copying grammar notes from their textbook, and I was a little confused because even though I know grammar like the back of my hand, I don't know the terms for everything. When Ms. L. told me they'd be practicing comparatives and superlatives, I gave her a look like WTF? But after glancing at the textbook, I realized it was just "er," "est," "more," and "most." Even though I couldn't answer all their questions and kind of confused them with how to take notes (which Mrs. L. then went over once she got back) it went pretty well. The kids were really respectful and patient with me. Hooray!

Also, I've been helping the drama teacher run auditions. They have been pretty crazy, and today we finished and did the casting. It will be interesting working with 30 middle schoolers every afternoon. Should certainly wake me up!

As tomorrow is Veterans' Day, we all have the day off. But then we go back on Friday. Strange, and will probably screw everything up. So it goes.

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