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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Only One This Week

...apparently not much has happened. Or maybe too much.

Yes, it's the latter. It's, as they say, crunch time now, for the school play I'm helping with opens a week from today. Holy cow.

The students seem completely clueless when it comes to the schedule. It is true that theater is its own beast, with its own weird scheduling known only to those who understand how theater works, but these kids just don't get basic dates.

Auditions were way back in November, and we gave them schedules then, and told their parents to sign a form that says they agree with the schedule. But we find out TWO DAYS AGO that some cast members have an orchestra competition (a required grade for that class) next Friday, which was supposed to be opening night. Seriously, kids? And more so, parents of kids? How did you not look at your calendar to avoid this massive schedule-fuck?

Also, can't end the week without referring to education news. This article talks about teacher unions v. improving schools. Why are they mutually exclusive? Someone's gotta figure this mess out.

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