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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Like zombies, the arts are aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!


That's what the arts replenish (and that's where the zombie metaphor ends).

In the past few days, I have been fortunate to sub for a variety of arts teachers-- on Friday I taught chorus for two periods, yesterday taught art for three, and this morning did about 30 minutes of orchestra. The kids in these classes seem genuinely curious and hard-working (with the exception of the orchestra class today, but that's because we were reading some music history). That's not to suggest, though, that students not involved in art are less curious or hard-working, but these qualities certainly seem necessary to take arts classes, whereas they are just "nice to have" in core classes. However, I did think it was interesting that in the art class yesterday, I had to push the kids to think abstractly. Granted, they are just 11-13, but they were really struggling to break out of their literal mindsets. Just another drawback of traditional education, I suppose.

But teaching art classes is fun! Even when I barely know anything about it. (Although I was able to play the melody on the piano during chorus, poorly, but that's what I get for sight-reading.) Hooray!

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