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Friday, October 15, 2010


So. Tired. Getting used to this new schedule is tough. Teachers get two planning periods a day, but aides get nothin'. They have an assignment every class period. Here I am, a fairly healthy (though slightly overweight) 20-something hauling my ass from one side of the building to another, all the while maneuvering through hoards of children, and I'm exhausted before the end of the day. And while I'm in class, I'm constantly on my feet, saying to Johnny to stay on task and running over to the other side of the room to answer Suzie's question, while simultaneously making sure that Jimmy and Joey are keeping their hands to themselves and that Mary* is caught up on the homework she missed yesterday. Imagine doing that while pregnant! Yeesh.

People don't give aides the credit they deserve. At least, people who don't work in a school environment don't. Sure, they have no planning to do, but they WORK for their money for sure! I think every citizen should be required to spend a few days in a school to see how things really work. Most of the stuff that goes on people can't even imagine, let alone suspect.

*all names are changed to protect the innocent

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